None Thorvaldr Svensson

  • Region: unknown
  • Modern name: is not on file
Or, two woodsman's axes in saltire sable, hafted proper, surmounted by an arrow inverted proper flighted and within a bordure embattled vert
Awarded at Crown tournament, Isengau-Turmstadt-Nebelwald, Frankmark by Padraig & Elsa
under the name Thorvaldr Skeglaus
Awarded at Crown Tournament by Sven & Jovi
under the name Thorvaldr Skeglaus
Awarded at Coronation, Aventiure by Marcus & Cecilia
under the name Thorvaldr Skeglaus
Awarded at Coronation, Aventiure by Marcus & Cecilia
under the name Thorvaldr Skeglaus
Awarded at Coronation by UlfR & Caoimhe
under the name Thorvaldr Skeglaus
Awarded at Niebelungen Krieg by Lief & Morrigan
under the name Thorvaldr Skeglaus
Awarded at Coronation, Depedene under Wychwood by Prothall
under the name Thorvaldr Svensson
Awarded at Dies St. Mauritii by Lief & Morrigan
under the name Thorvaldr Svensson
Awarded at Kingdom University by Siridean & Jahanara
under the name Thorvaldr Tvisvar Brottinn
Or, two woodsman's axes in saltire sable, hafted proper, surmounted by an arrow inverted proper flighted and within a bordure embattled vert