Viscount Pól ó Briain (he/him)

  • Region: Insulae Draconis
  • Modern name: Paul O'Brien
Per chevron argent and azure, two hares salient and a stag springing counterchanged sable and argent
Awarded at Champions of the Isles, Pont Alarch, Insulae Draconis by Elffin & Signy
under the name Paul son of Brian
Awarded at Viceroy VI by Sven & Thora
under the name Paul son of Brian
Awarded at Viceroy VI by Sven & Thora
under the name Paul son of Brian
Awarded at Champions of Lough Devnaree V by Insulae Draconis
under the name Paul son of Brian
Awarded at Kingdom University, West Dragonshire by Thorvaldr & Fiona
under the name Pól ó Briain
Awarded at Feast of Heraldry by Insulae Draconis
under the name Pól ó Briain
Awarded at Coronation, Flintheath by Gerhardt & Judith
under the name Pól ó Briain
Awarded at 12th Night Coronation, West Dragonshire by Paul & Aryanhwy
under the name Pól ó Briain
Awarded at Drachenwald 20th Year by Insulae Draconis
under the name Pól ó Briain
Awarded at Flaming Arrow 7 by Insulae Draconis
under the name Pól ó Briain
Awarded at Raglan Fair by Lief & Morrigan
under the name Pól ó Briain
Awarded at Raglan Fair by Lief & Morrigan
under the name Pól ó Briain
Awarded at Coronet of Love by William & Isabetta
under the name Pól ó Briain
Awarded at Summer Coronation by Siridean & Jahanara
under the name Pól ó Briain
Awarded at Yule Ball by Vitus & Isabel
under the name Pól ó Briain
Awarded at Dragon's Nest Rumpus 1 by Avery & Cornelia
under the name Pól ó Briain
Per chevron argent and azure, two hares salient and a stag springing counterchanged sable and argent