None Mickel Biörnsson till Wargegården

  • Region: Nordmark
  • Modern name: is not on file
Azure, two arrows inverted in saltire Or barbed and on a chief embattled argent three wolf's paw prints azure
Awarded at Kingdom University, Holmrike by Marcus & Anna
under the name Mickel Biörnsson
Awarded at Kingdom University by Marcus & Anna
under the name Mickel Biörnsson till Wargegården
Awarded at Double Wars XVIII by Nordmark
under the name Mickel Biörnsson till Wargegården
Awarded at Queen's Demand, Attemark by Marcus & Cecilia
under the name Mickel Biörnsson till Wargegården
Awarded at Double Wars by Vitus & Isabel
under the name Mickel Biörnsson till Wargegården
Awarded at Double Wars by Vitus & Isabel
under the name Mickel Biörnsson till Wargegården
Azure, two arrows inverted in saltire Or barbed and on a chief embattled argent three wolf's paw prints azure