Baroness Mary Verch Thomas (she/her)

  • Region: Insulae Draconis
  • Modern name: Mary Frost
Argent, a chevron inverted cotised purpure
Awarded at Viceroy Tournament, Pont Alarch by Marcus & Anna
under the name Mary verch Thomas
Awarded at Fourth Viceroy Tourney, Mynydd Gwyn, Insulae Draconis by Padraig & Elsa
under the name Mary Verch Thomas
Awarded at Crown Tournament by Sven & Thora
under the name Mary Verch Thomas
Awarded at Champions of Lough Devnaree III by Insulae Draconis
under the name Mary Verch Thomas
Awarded at Summer Coronation by Sven & Jovi
under the name Mary Verch Thomas
Awarded at Yule Ball by Insulae Draconis
under the name Mary Verch Thomas
Awarded at Battle of Brothers, Flintheath by Insulae Draconis
under the name Mary Verch Thomas
Awarded at Coronation, Flintheath by Gerhardt & Judith
under the name Mary Verch Thomas
Awarded at Coronation, Flintheath by Gerhardt & Judith
under the name Mary Verch Thomas
Awarded at 12th Night Coronation, Knight's Crossing by Lief & Morrigan
under the name Mary Verch Thomas
Awarded at Insulae Draconis Investiture, Deepdene Under Wychwood by Insulae Draconis
under the name Mary Verch Thomas
Awarded at Raglan Fair by Siridean & Jahanara
under the name Mary Verch Thomas
Argent, a chevron inverted cotised purpure