None Maria Harsick

  • Region: Insulae Draconis
  • Modern name: is not on file
Ermine, in pile three needles gules
Awarded at Coronation, Lough Devnaree by Peregrine & Alessandra Melusine
under the name Mariah Harsick
Awarded at Crown Tournament by Insulae Draconis
under the name Mariah Harsick
Awarded at Kingdom University by Vitus & Isabel
under the name Maria Harsick
Awarded at Raglan Fair by Vitus & Isabel
under the name Maria Harsick
Awarded at Insulae Draconis Coronet Tournament by Insulae Draconis
under the name Maria Harsick
Awarded at Autumn Crown Tourney 2022 by Avery & Cornelia
under the name Maria Harsick
Awarded at Double Wars XXXIV by Krake & Beatrix
under the name Maria Harsick
Awarded at Double Wars XXXIV by Krake & Beatrix
under the name Maria Harsick
Ermine, in pile three needles gules