None Leia di Capraia

  • Region: unknown
  • Modern name: is not on file
Or, a Continental panther rampant reguardant vert, incensed proper, charged upon the flank with a cross crosslet fitchy Or, all within a bordure gules
Awarded at - by Morgan & Alienor
under the name Leia di Capraia
Awarded at Coronet Tournament by Gareth & Idunn
under the name Leia di Capraia
Awarded at Drachenwald Devestiture by East
under the name Leia di Capraia
Awarded at Drachenwald Devestiture by Elffin & Vanna
under the name Leia di Capraia
Awarded at Drachenwald Devestiture by East
under the name Leia di Capraia
Or, a Continental panther rampant reguardant vert, incensed proper, charged upon the flank with a cross crosslet fitchy Or, all within a bordure gules