Fruæ Geirdís Geirharðardóttir (she/her)

  • Region: Drachenwald
  • Modern name: Sabine Richter
Sable, two bars gemel Or and flaunches argent.
Awarded at Dies St. Mauritii by Sven & Siobhan
under the name Gerdis Gerleifsdottir
Awarded at Twelfth Night Coronation by Lief & Morrigan
under the name Geirdis
Awarded at Bootcamp by Lief & Morrigan
under the name Gerdis Gerleifsdottir
Awarded at Arts in April by William & Isabetta
under the name Gerdis Gerleifsdottir
Awarded at Summer Coronation 2022 by Morales & Eila
under the name Geirdís Geirharðardóttir
Sable, two bars gemel Or and flaunches argent.