None Cormac Lawless O'Toole

  • Region: Nordmark
  • Modern name: is not on file
Per saltire gules and argent, a unicorn rampant a bordure sable
Awarded at Liunga Mjödbad by Morgan & Alienor
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Viceroy Tourney by Garick & Talitha
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Queen's Demand by Elffin & Vanna
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Civil War X, Juneborg by Nordmark
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Coronet Tourney in Attemark by Elffin & Alessandra Melusine
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Coronet Tourney in Attemark by Elffin & Alessandra Melusine
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Crown Tournament by Giles & EzaBella
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Crown Tournament by Giles & EzaBella
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Coronation, Holmrike by Nordmark
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Lucia Feast by Nordmark
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Medieval Week by Styringheim
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Double Wars by Vitus & Eleanora
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Estrella War by Atenveldt
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at G- som i Gemensam Gourmé by Styringheim
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Lucia Feast by Styringheim
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Lucia Feast by Styringheim
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Awarded at Lucia Feast by Styringheim
under the name Cormac Lawless O'Toole
Per saltire gules and argent, a unicorn rampant a bordure sable