Noble Aoife ní Aodhagáin

  • Region: Insulae Draconis
  • Modern name: is not on file
Chevronelly azure and argent, a serpent glissant palewise gules holding in its mouth an apple slipped and leaved vert
Awarded at Drachenwald first Coronation by Elffin & Vanna
under the name Aoife ni Aodaghain
Awarded at Drachenwald first Coronation by Elffin & Vanna
under the name Aoife ni Aodaghain
Awarded at - by Calontir
under the name Aoife ní Aodhagáin
Awarded at Flaming Arrow by Insulae Draconis
under the name Aoife ní Aodhagáin
Awarded at Strawberry Raid II by Krake & Beatrix
under the name Aoife ní Aodhagáin
Chevronelly azure and argent, a serpent glissant palewise gules holding in its mouth an apple slipped and leaved vert