Lord Aodhan Dha Cheist (he/him)

  • Region: Insulae Draconis
  • Modern name: Aidan Barron
Posthorn does not have heraldry on file
Awarded at Insulae Draconis Coronet by Lief & Morrigan
under the name Aodhan Dha Cheist
Awarded at Yuletide University by Insulae Draconis
under the name Aodháin Dhá Cheist
Awarded at Champions of Lough Devnaree by Insulae Draconis
under the name Aodhan Dha Cheist
Awarded at Champions of Lough Devnaree by Vitus & Isabel
under the name Aodhan Dha Cheist
Awarded at Kingdom University by Æríkr & Jacquelyna
under the name Aodhan Dha Cheist
Awarded at Yule Ball by Avery & Cornelia
under the name Aodhan Dha Cheist
Awarded at Strawberry Raid III by Stigot & Lofnheiðr
under the name Aodhan Dha Cheist
Posthorn does not have heraldry on file